About Ms Huang

Ms Huang loves Math, and enjoys teaching, learning, and solving problems together with her students! 

The first draft of Exam Buddy was written while Ms Huang was teaching in Ping Yi Secondary School back in 2006. At that time, Ms Huang observed that textbooks lacks good examples, and methods were not catered to the varying learning needs of her students. Ms Huang also noticed that students were often overwhelmed by the amount of words written in textbooks, and had difficulty in notes keeping. So, Ms Huang decided to write her own sets of notes to  help her students learn in a more focused manner. 

The notes turned out to be very useful, Ms Huang received many positive feedbacks from her students, and their parents. Ms Huang's students were excited to write on their freshly printed notes, and are happy to learn about notes keeping. In order to to help her students remember her lessons better, and to bring some life into their notes, Ms Huang encouraged students to doodle on their notes! Eventually, her students' notes were so beautifully decorated that they actually treated their notes like a master piece, a treasure, and kept them so well. 

This was the birth of Exam Buddy.

Ms Huang hopes to empower her students by strengthening their social-emotional skills, and to guide them into becoming good and confident problem solvers, not just in Math, but in every aspect of their lives.

BSc (Applied Mathematics and Statistics)
University of Melbourne, Australia, 2004.

National Institute of Education (N.I.E.), Singapore, 2005.

School Experience & Practicum
Tanjong Katong Secondary School, 2005

School Teacher, Full-Time Permanent Staff
Ping Yi Secondary School, 2005-2010

Night Study Resource Teacher, Part-Time
Singapore Sports School, 2010-2011

Full-Time Tutor & Author of Exam Buddy
2010 till present.

Flexi-Adjunct School Teacher, Full-Time Contract
Manjusri Secondary School, 2013-2015, 2018. 
Teaching A Math & E Math to Sec 3 & 4 students.
Ms Huang was a former student of MJR.

School Teacher, Full-Time Contract
Hwa Chong International School, 2017 

Stopped teaching in school twice to prepare for Project Bs
2016, 2019 

Assistant Manager, Full-Time Contract - Ms Huang's YOLO experiential learning journey!
KK Hospital, 7 Feb - 31 May 2022
Providing administrative support in IPRAMHO research.